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4 Most Important Tree Cutting Techniques For Beginners

tree cutting techniques

You do not necessarily need to be an expert to cut a small tree. Chances are even if you do it for the first time, you will still be able to pull a decent job. However, things change when it comes to mature trees. It can be dangerous if you are not too experienced, so you might need to know some tree cutting techniques before starting this operation.

1. Getting the Right Equipment

Safety first! So, apart from getting a professional chainsaw, you will also need some safety glasses to protect your eyes against debris, as well as earmuffs and a helmet to protect against falling branches. This is the #1 cause of injuries in this industry. Kevlar chaps are just as handy, as the chainsaw will instantly stop if you somehow drop it on your leg.

2. Estimating the Falling Area

The falling area must be thoroughly estimated if there are risks for the tree to fall on something. It might be hard to do it, as you cannot really measure it. Therefore, use an antique ax handle trick. Get a regular size ax and hold it at arm’s length in front of you.

Close an eye and keep moving backwards until treetop and base match the top and base of the ax. Your feet should be where the tree will land.

This is not a fully accurate estimation though. If there is something the tree could fall on, you should just clear the area and give yourself more room.

3. Cutting the Right Notch

The notch does not have to be random. Instead, you have to follow some rules. It must be done at 90 degrees. Picture an imaginary line parallel to the ground and go for 30 degrees under this line and 60 degrees on top of this line. As for the depth, it should be around 20% of the trunk diameter.

When cutting from the other side, use the chainsaw for a straight line running parallel to the ground. Leave a hinge between the new cut and the notch. The hinge will guide the falling direction. Check out this article if you are looking for a good electric chainsaw.

4. Observing the Tree

While observation cannot be classified among tree cutting techniques, it represents one of the main steps in the process and should not be overlooked.

If you can see dead dry branches that are still attached, there is a decent chance some of them will go loose and fall before the tree does.

Also, try to determine whether the tree is straight. Some trees may lean in one direction or another if they are overloaded on either side. No matter how hard you will try to direct it, it will fall in the leaning direction.

Finally, if there are any power lines, fences, cars, buildings or other similar things in the area, it might be wiser to just call a pro.


In the end, there are quite a few tree cutting techniques that most newbies are not aware of. A little education and proper planning can prevent a series of unwanted incidents.

    Jeremy Delores

    Jeremy is here to help you get the right tools and equipment for your yard and garden. Being obsessed with them for almost a decade, he knows how important quality and reliability is when using them. For this reason, he will focus on creating and sharing content that not only cover the latest information and trends but also his insights on the best products that will suit your needs and requirements.